Every year, the SAS organizes a competition of yourng researcher up tp 35 years of age, and this year for the first time in the category of PhD students.
On May 13, 2021, the Presidency of the SAS approved the competition results and awards in ...
The XIII. Interactive conference organized by civic association PREVEDA, o.z. took place from May 10, to 30 2021 online.
During the conference, the participants presented a total of 147 exciting studies in 12 sections. A novelty of the current ...
Results, obtained within the project VEGA 2/0114/18: Preparation and study of composite materials prepared by casting aluminum and ceramic powder mixtures, led by Ing. M. Balog, PhD., earned attention in the VEGA commission for mechanical engineer...
Development and study of bioactive Ti + Mg composite BIACOM® for application of dental implants, the outputs of authors Martin Balog, Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim, and Peter Krížik in the field of basic research: was selected for the annual report...
The Slovak Academy of Sciences annually organizes a competition of young scientists of the SAS up to 35 years of age, while it is awarded in the category of Ph.D. students and the category young researchers of the SAS. This year, the Scientific Bo...
Institute offers PhD study in the study field 36 „Engineering“ in study programmes „Progressive materials and material design“ and "Engineering technologies and materials".
Ing. Martin Nosko, PhD. graduated at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, in 2002. During his engineering studies, he completed the Work and Travel program in the USA and, ...
Every year, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic awards the prestigious Prize for Science and Technology to the most important representatives of the scientific and technical community in the Slovak Republi...
Most organisms in nature live simply, alone. Only a small number have reached the highest level of the hierarchy and live in organized "states". These include, for example, bees and ants, as well as foreign termites and 15 other bizarre groups. Th...
Employee of our institute Ing. Jaroslav Kováčik, PhD. received award of the Presidency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) Top Publication of SAS in the category Publications in scientific journals with the highest SJR impact for the work
Peter Múčka, Dec 2019
Publication1 by IMMS SAS author, Jaroslav Kováčik, was included in the period July/August 2019 in the prestigious category Highly Cited Papers from the database Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Web of Science2,3.
Are the academy of science and education sufficiently linked to the needs of practice? How does education and the Slovak Academy of Sciences help to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in Slovakia? What is the connection between ...
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of Slovak Academy od Sciences, Institute of Materials and Institute of Production Technologies of Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of Slovak Technical University and also Society for New Mat...
(Peter Múčka, 11. 9. 2019)
ResearchGate (RG) is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. It is the largest academic social network in terms of active users - abou...
From 22 to 26 July 2019, a summer science camp was held under the auspices of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the SAS, Polymer Institute of the SAS and All4Science, o.z, where 17 children could try what it's like to be a scient...
This year, for the first time, an interesting project under the name of the Summer School of Young Scientists was realized at the Slovak Academy on 15 - 19 July 2019. This project came from the workshop of All4Science civic association, created in...
The 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2019 was held from 22th to 24th May 2019 in Brno (Czech Republic).The history of METAL conference started in 1992 and several hundreds of foreign experts participate on this con...
From 26th to 28th April 2019, the IXPO Technology Festival took place in Tyršovo nábrežie in Bratislava, where the Slovak Academy of Sciences contributed with its program.
IXPO is the largest technology festival in Slovakia. It combines rich th...
Organized by Institute of materials and machine mechanics Slovak academy of sciences
which will be held on May 15, 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of the action is to present the characterization methods used to monitor and characterize m...