Notice of the election of members of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS
Board of Directors IMMS SAS announces the election of members of the Scientific Council of IMMS SAS, which will take place in ...
As part of cooperation in the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission, the international 5th TechTransfer Interactive Workshop was held on October 26-27, 2023, within the FIT-4-NMP project. It aimed to deepen cooperation between industry a...
On September 29, 2023, the 17th edition of the European Night of Researchers, the largest scientific event in Europe, took place. This year was dedicated to two themes: WATER and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechani...
As part of the 20th Jubilee Science and Technology Week 06-12 October 2023, the doors to the scientific world were opened at the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. This event aims to improve the perception of science and technology in s...
On November 9, 2023, during the week of science and technology, the two institutes of the SAS moved to the primary school with Kindergarten behind the barracks, where class 4.C was transformed into a temporary science laboratory. Twenty-five stude...
The group of scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences is implementing the second year of the Creative Science educational program this school year. It brings experiential physics, chemistry, biology, and technical education to elementary sch...
It's here again! After a break of several years, the popular scientific-educational event "Find a scientist in yourself" is returning. On November 7, 2023, the doors to the scientific world will open at the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Scie...
Will heavy industry destroy our ecology? Will new materials help the economy? Is the study of mechanical engineering struggling for perspective? The dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of STU in Bratislava Ľubomír Šooš and the director of t...
On November 14, 2023, in cooperation with the Society for New Materials and Technologies and the Scientific Society for the Science of Metals at the SAS, we hosted the 14th edition of the international conference Structural materials 2023.
On October 18, 2023, the 6th Technology Day event was organized by the Private Secondary Technical School in Žiar nad Hronom. The goal of the event is to motivate the young generation to study technical fields and show them that this field is not ...
At the beginning of September, the publication seminar of our colleague Dr. Moara Marques de Castro, who presented her work contained in the publication:
M. Balog, M. Moara Marques de Castro, J. Čapek, P. Švec jr., M. Takačová, L. Csáderová, E...
From 03 to 07 September 2023, we had the honor of participating in an important scientific conference called the 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes - FEMS EUROMAT 2023, held in the German city of Frankfurt am...
We closed the summer month of July at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS with a periodical seminar for our doctoral students. This time, up to four of our doctoral students presented the results of their scientific research for t...
In the days 17.-21.07. the Summer School of Young Scientists was also held this year, and our institute was again a part of it. We can boldly declare that it is already one of our traditional summer activities that we look forward to.
This year, ...
From 29.06 to 01.07.2023, the international conference MATRIB 2023 was held in Vela Luka, Croatia, which we co-organize with our Croatian colleagues from the Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology (HDMT), which is an association of experts, ...
Notice of the election of a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAV, v. in. i.
Board of Directors IMMS SAS announces the election of a member of the Scientific Council of IMMS SAS, which will ta...
On June 23 and 24, 2023, at M.R. Square Štefánik in Bratislava, the general public could join the spectacular celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Slovak Academy of Sciences founding as part of the Weekend with SAS event. In more than 50 st...
Work in a powder-metallurgical laboratory, etching, filtering, and measuring metal powders.
duration: approx. 1-2 months (July-August, possibly by agreement)
for students of: chemical-technological, material-technological, engineering facu...
Dear readers of Metal Materials magazine,
we would like to inform you that Ing. Jaroslav Kováčik, PhD. was appointed as editor-in-chief of the Metal Materials magazine with effect from 19/06/2023.
Ing. Jaroslav Kováčik, PhD., as a long-term s...
On Wednesday, May 17, we met the winners of this year's Young Technician competition.
The world of science and technology propels humanity forward. The maturity of individual generations is assessed according to the achievements of the world of t...