The Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. is a contractual partner of the Slovak Digital Innovation Center.
The Slovak Digital Innovation Center project is funded by the European Union NextGenerati...
On January 21, 2025, we welcomed colleagues from the Austrian company RHP Group to the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. This friendly visit aimed to exchange experiences and better understand our inst...
On February 4, 2025, the professional seminar "Thermography for Science and Research" was held at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which we organized in cooperation with the company TMV SS, spol. ...
Imagine natural patterns and mathematical algorithms brought to life in ceramics. Hard to picture, isn't it?
This fascinating concept was introduced to us through the art-research project Nature Rules by artist Csilla Nagy, created in collabora...
Vo veku 93 rokov nás v stredu 13. novembra 2024 navždy opustil dlhoročný pracovník Ústavu materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV, v. v. i., Ing. Augustin Schweighofer, CSc.
Ing. Augustin Schweighofer, CSc., sa narodil v Bratislave 3. júla 1931. Vy...
This week, from Monday, 11/11/2024, to Friday, 15/11/2024, we promoted science as part of Science and Technology Week. Our activities during the Find a Scientist in You event were aimed at students who were introduced to the fascinating world of m...
On 24.09. and on September 25, 2024, we had the privilege of hosting esteemed Spanish and Croatian experts in material research at our institute. Our guests included partners from the National Center for Metallurgical Research - Spanish National R...
To strengthen international cooperation in new materials research, representatives of two European societies focused on materials research met in Bratislava. The president of SOCIEMAT, Juan José de Damborenea, met with the vice president of the Sl...
Effective use of biological waste is a key step in the fight against climate change and excessive waste of natural resources. At a time when the volume of municipal waste is constantly increasing, proper management of biological waste is not only ...
On October 21, 2024, a scientific seminar was held on the premises of our institute. The scientific workers of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovac Academy of Sciences, who had returned from foreign research internships, ...
Výberové konanie na obsadenie miesta riaditeľa ÚMMS SAV, v. v. i.
Zhromaždenie Akademickej obce ÚMMS SAV, v. v. i.
4. 11. 2024
Zoznam zamestnancov podľa § 23 ods. 2 Zákona č. 243/2017 Z. z.
Árvay Jo...
Sport taught her discipline, to be on time everywhere and, above all, to work on herself. LUCIA KOPČANOVÁ from the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS is not only a successful representative of the Slovak Republic in sports shooting -...
From 05 to 06.09.2024, our colleague Dr. Naďa Beronská participated in the prestigious international fair Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace (ILA) in Berlin. The fair is focused on sustainability, new technologies, and innovations in the aviat...
Ing. Rudolf Chmúrny, CSc.
1935 – 2024
Dňa 29. júla 2024 nás vo veku 89 rokov opustil náš dlhoročný kolega Ing. Rudolf Chmúrny, CSc. Zamestnancom nášho ústavu bol 38 rokov od roku 1962 do roku 2000 a neskôr vyše dve desaťročia pôsobil na ústave a...
July 3, 2024, was a special day for us because the Children's Economic University (DEU) participants visited us for the first time and experienced the interactive workshop "Science Day with SAS—experiment and get to know science firsthand."
We pr...
The first-year students from the primary school Jelenia in Bratislava decided to go on an unforgettable journey into the world of science and visited us on 14 June 2024. Demonstrations of our work and experiments awaited them in the laboratory, ...
Predseda Slovenskej akadémie vied
vyhlasuje výberové konanie na obsadenie funkcie riaditeľa / riaditeľky organizácie:
Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV, verejná výskumná inštitúcia,
sídlo: Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratisl...
On 06.08.2024, a traditional doctoral seminar was held at our institute. Once again, this provided space for young researchers to present the results of their work and also for valuable feedback from experienced colleagues.
Seminar participant...
23. to 26.06. 2024, our colleagues Ing. Ján Poničan, PhD, Ing. Jaroslav Longauer, and Ing. János Kurz participated in the 45th International Conference Non-Traditional Sources of Electric Energy, which was organized by the Faculty of Electrical En...
On July 15, 2024, the reception at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, in Bratislava, turned into a buzzing hive of young scientific talents. The summer popularization project of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Summer School of Yo...