Scientists from the SAV Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics have developed a new titanium-magnesium composite material BIACOM® (BIOActive COmposite Metal), targeted for applying dental bone implants. By using a new material prepared by po...
On November 9, 2022, a scientific conference "Welding technology 2022 - EU industry development technology" was held at the premises of PRVÁ ZVÁRAČSKÁ, a.s., on Kopčianska street in Bratislava. PRVÁ ZVÁRAČSKÁ, a.s. organized the scientific confere...
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic assigned patent number E40256 to the European patent number 3625833. On October 26, 2022, published in the Bulletin of the Office of Industrial Property of the Slovak Republic no. 22/2022 and b...
On October 26, 2022, Notice of registration UV 9614 (PUV 50008-2022) of the Large-capacity air purifier from pathogens in aerosols was published in the Bulletin of the ÚPV SR No. 22.
The large-capacity purifier works on the principle of rapid hea...
On October 25, 2022, in cooperation with the Society for New Materials and Technologies, we hosted the international conference Functional Materials 2022.
The conference was focused on the following areas: functional materials, modification of ma...
The 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy September 4-9, 2022 ( was a key microscopic event in the Central European region. The quality of the scientific content was ensured by leading scientists from all over Europe. The...
On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, Slovakia's prize for technology transfer was awarded for the tenth time. Innovators of the year were scientists from the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS.
Director of Slovak Centre of Scientific and...
Sportswoman in science.
Can the sport be linked with science? You can find the answer in an inspiring interview with our PhD. student Ing. Lucia Kopčanová from the Division of Microstructures of Surfaces and Interfaces, who, in addition to her...
On October 6, 2022, IMMM SAS hosted the workshop of the INOVATO cluster. The workshop aimed to present the activities of the members of the INOVATO cluster, of which IMMM SAS is also a member, establishing contacts and cooperation. Dr. Martin Nosk...
On September 30, 2022, the 16th took place in twenty-five European countries, including Slovakia. In addition to Bratislava, four Slovak cities, Košice, Banská Bystrica, Žilina, and Poprad, also joined Europe's largest science popularization event...
On September 23, 2022, the Science Fair's fifth edition took place on the square of M.R. Štefánik near the Eurovea shopping center in Bratislava.
The event was organized under the auspices of the former Minister of Education, Science, Research an...
The Science Fair 2022 was held at the PVA EXPO Praha exhibition center in Letňany from 2nd to 4th June 2022. The Slovak Academy of Sciences was a guest, and the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, could not miss this event.
At the...
On June 21, 2022, the 3rd year of the strategic seminar was held at the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAV, which aims to create a platform for meeting representatives of the academic, educational and industrial sectors and to enable...
Juraj Olejár, a student in the Studio of experimental design at the Department of design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava under the supervision of doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Jokelová and doc. Ing. Mgr. art. Marián Laššák, ArtD., completed his ...
In 2021, the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the civic association Quirinus, o. z., published a monograph that first reflects the basic biographical information about the organist...
Spring science school for children aged 5 to 10 was held on 28. 2. – 4. 3. 2022. Ten little "scientists" had a week full of fun, experiments, and a lot of new knowledge. Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, SAS, provided facility of Insti...
From January 1, 2022, Institute of materials and machine mechanics SAS changed its legal form from the state contributory organization to a "public research institution" (in Slovak: verejná výskumná inštitúcia, abbr. v. v. i.).
The public rese...
Last week a Horizon Europe Digital & Industry Brokerage Event was announced in conjunction with the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Information Day on Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry & Space planned for 29 November - 01 December 2021.
The Br...
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, SAS, co-operated with the Society on Metal Science at SAS and the Society for New Materials and Technologies in the organization of the one-day hybrid conference „Structural Materials 2021“. The meetin...
The Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, SAS, participates in EXPO 2021 in the frame of Space Week from 17. to 23. October 2021. The presentation is in the form of a video presenting IMMM SAS as a partner for developing a wide range of ma...