From 26th to 28th April 2019, the IXPO Technology Festival took place in Tyršovo nábrežie in Bratislava, where the Slovak Academy of Sciences contributed with its program.
IXPO is the largest technology festival in Slovakia. It combines rich th...
Organized by Institute of materials and machine mechanics Slovak academy of sciences
which will be held on May 15, 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of the action is to present the characterization methods used to monitor and characterize m...
In July 2017, the first Summer School of Young Chemists was held in Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia), attended by the best participants of Chemical Olympics in the D category. During the weekend of 2 to 4 March 2018, ten of these high school students f...
Theme: How new materials are developing
9th November 2017, 9:00 to 14:00, Dúbravská cesta 9/6319, Bratislava, Slovakia
What do we need to know, find out and do when we need to produce a material with properties that have no material in natur...
Irena Čvančarová's RE(z)START exhibition has been opened on 6th October 2017 at the premises of Institute of materials and machines mechanics SAS in Bratislava, Dúbravská cesta 9.
Irena Čvančarová is a student of the 6th year of master's stud...
Exhibition stand title: "Science hidden in materials"
29. 9. 2017, Bratislava, Stará tržnica
Introducing the fascinating world of the inner structure and composition of materials ingeniously created by man to serve him.
Visitors will be able ...
Institute of materials and machine mechanics SAS calls for student projects as an extension of Bc. or MSc. theses. Deadline for application is 9th June 2017.
Priviesť deti k vede a získať ich záujem je cieľom nového projektu štyroch ústavov Slovenskej akadémie vied Nájdi v sebe vedca. V rámci nultého ročníka deti interaktívnou formou získajú doplňujúce informácie „zo života“ priamo nadväzujúce na učebn...
Ing. Vladimír Giba, CSc. (*23. 2. 1944 – †4. 7. 2016)
V pondelok 4. 7. 2016 pri dopravnej nehode vo veku 72 rokov tragicky zahynul dlhoročný riaditeľ Ústavu materiálov a mechaniky strojov SAV Ing. Vladimír Giba, CSc.
Ing. Vladimír Giba, C...
In Žiar nad Hronom, there are great producer of raw aluminium and several producers of aluminum products. Long term cooperation with these producers led IMMM SAS to establishment of its own workplace in this town in the middle of Slovakia. The cre...