
Excursion of young chemists

Excursion of young chemists

In July 2017, the first Summer School of Young Chemists was held in Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia), attended by the best participants of Chemical Olympics in the D category. During the weekend of 2 to 4 March 2018, ten of these high school students f...

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Irena Čvančarová's RE(z)START exhibition

Irena Čvančarová's RE(z)START exhibition

Irena Čvančarová's RE(z)START exhibition has been opened on 6th October 2017 at the premises of Institute of materials and machines mechanics SAS  in Bratislava, Dúbravská cesta 9.  Irena Čvančarová is a student of the 6th year of master's stud...

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