Organized by Institute of materials and machine mechanics Slovak academy of sciences
which will be held on May 15, 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of the action is to present the characterization methods used to monitor and characterize material microstructures, using scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis. Based on the correctly selected characterization method, it is possible to quickly and efficiently detect the origin of the disorder, or to understand the relationship between the production, structure and properties of the materials. The result will be, for example, a reduction in operating costs, maintenance costs in case of removal of the origin of an operating disorder or in improving the properties of materials by understanding the link "production - microstructure - properties", which will increase the competitiveness of the business entity.
Target group
Those interested from industry and universities interested in learning about metal and metal composites. People who are interested in getting information about the possibility of cooperation, respectively, graduates of the Universities.
Institute of materials and machine mechanics of SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9/6319, Bratislava, Slovakia
Contact person
Martin Nosko,