
Workshop for the Children's University of Economics

Workshop for the Children's University of Economics

July 3, 2024, was a special day for us because the Children's Economic University (DEU) participants visited us for the first time and experienced the interactive workshop "Science Day with SAS—experiment and get to know science firsthand." We pr...

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Sciences Summer School of Young Scientists 2024

Sciences Summer School of Young Scientists 2024

On July 15, 2024, the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS reception in Bratislava turned into a buzzing hive of young scientific talents. The summer popularization project of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Summer School of Young Scien...

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 Playful science at the castle in Smolenice

Playful science at the castle in Smolenice

After a year, we found ourselves back in Smolenice. On May 18, 2024, thanks to 4 SAS institutes, the courtyard of Smolenice Castle was transformed into a unique traveling laboratory. This was the second year of the Playful Science event, a one-of-...

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Visiting the University of Zagreb

Visiting the University of Zagreb

On May 26 to 29, 2024, we, scientists from ÚMMS SAS, v.v.i. Dr. Naďa Beronská, Dr. Jaroslav Kováčik, and Dr. Tomáš Dvorák - participated in a working meeting at the University of Zagreb, specifically at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Na...

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Doctoral storm

Doctoral storm

  May 15, 2024, was dedicated to young people at the SAS campus. The first year of the Doctoral Storm event was held, and it was intended for those interested in doctoral (PhD.) studies at SAS and young scientific workers. The organizer of the ev...

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Study with us! We listed topics for dissertations.

Study with us! We listed topics for dissertations.

  IMMM SAS is an external educational institution participating in doctoral study programs:   1. Progressive materials and material design - in the field of study 36 Mechanical    Engineering • length of full-time study 4 years • in cooperat...

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Science Night with Andersen 2024

Science Night with Andersen 2024

                Since immemorial, science and books have been essential tools for spreading knowledge and culture. Their symbiosis helps people better understand our world and contributes to the development of knowledge and creativity. Proof of ...

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Charity is in our blood.

Charity is in our blood.

      Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS became part of the wonderful two-day charity event Kvapka krvi SAV, which took place on April 16 and 17, 2024 on the premises of our institution. We all know that blood cannot be replaced or a...

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Scientific day for students at ÚMMS SAS

Scientific day for students at ÚMMS SAS

Scientific day for students at ÚMMS SAS   14.03.2024 we had a great day. Students from ZŠ P. Marcely in Bratislava visited us and brought friends from Spain, Germany, and the Czech Republic who were here as part of the Erasmus+ program. We have...

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Residual heat – a neglected energy treasure

Residual heat – a neglected energy treasure

At the end of 2023, we had the unique opportunity to listen to an interesting lecture by our colleague and member of the SAV Board, Dr. František Simančík on the possibilities of using residual heat. The lecture was held in the Košice Scientific C...

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