Since immemorial, science and books have been essential tools for spreading knowledge and culture. Their symbiosis helps people better understand our world and contributes to the development of knowledge and creativity. Proof of this was also the beautiful event Science Night with Andersen 2024, which was organized on 16.03.2024 by the civic association Za krajšiu Polhoru in a beautiful village in eastern Slovakia - Nová Polhora.
Our colleague Dr. Matej Štepánek had the difficult task of enthusing the children's visitors about the process of powder metallurgy - an important area of research at IMMM SAS.
Powder metallurgy is a unique way of producing various products - especially smaller parts, by mixing, pressing, and sintering into the final product. At first glance, it might seem like a complicated process that the uninterested person can't understand. But the opposite is true because we know how to do it. We have a Candy Pow(d)er manufacture, a candy factory :-).
Many children who came to science night with Andersen initially had no idea what they were seeing. Since the children were rightly curious and brave, they dared to use the press machine and pressed their first product, i.e. candy. In the end, they left (many involuntarily :-)) excited and, at the same time, a bit wiser. „Science can be entertaining," said Matej.