Representatives of the University of Trenčín at ÚMMS SAS

On April 30, 2024, representatives of the Division of Microstructures of Surfaces and Interfaces and the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín met on the grounds of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics in Trenčín for a friendly meeting.

The meeting aimed to introduce the institute to representatives of the university and students of the 4th and 5th years and, at the same time, to present the study options and doctoral study topics offered by our institution on the occasion of the initiated cooperation with the Faculty of Special Technology in the field of doctoral training.

The meeting was conducted in a friendly spirit, and those present had the opportunity to share their experiences and get to know the scientific activity on campus. The discussions covered various current topics and challenges in our professional areas. This meeting also allowed us to present our research, infrastructure, and laboratories.

We believe that we will continue to organize similar events in the future to support cooperation in the field of education.