Publication1 by IMMS SAS author, Jaroslav Kováčik, was included in the period July/August 2019 in the prestigious category Highly Cited Papers from the database Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Web of Science2,3.
This highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Materials Science based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.

The paper is a result of continuing research cooperation between IMMM SAS and Polytechnic University of Timisoara in the field of aluminium foams. The cooperation started in 2012 via preparation and successfull solving of bilateral project APVV SK-RO-0014-12 „Microstructure - mechanical properties relationship for metallic foams“. The project was solved from 1.1.2013 to 31.12.2014 but cooperation between the two institutions continues up to now. Today, there are 17 peer reviewed papers as a results of this cooperation; 5 of them are listed in WOS database. The Special Issue "Advances in Metal Foams" published during 2019 in journal Materials (Impact Factor, 2.972 in 2018, 3.532 in 5 years, Publisher MDPI, SWITZERLAND) with Prof. Marsavina and Dr. Kovacik as guest editors can be also considered as a result of this successfull cooperation.
Highly Cited Papers are the top one percent in each of the 22 ESI subject areas per year. They are based on the most recent 10 years of publications. Highly Cited Papers are considered to be indicators of scientific excellence and top performance and can be used to benchmark research performance against field baselines worldwide4.
Total number publications of Slovak authors included in the category of Highly Cited Papers are currently 415 3.
Only 2 publications of Slovak authors in the field of Materials science are currently included in the Highly Cited Papers, both of which are from the Slovak Acadamy of Sciences3.
The Essential Science Indicators database reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals and countries in a given field of research.
With science trend statistics drawn from more than 12 million articles from over 12,000 global journals, Essential Science Indicators delivers the in-depth coverage needed to effectively analyze and benchmark research performance, identify significant trends, rank top performers, and evaluate potential employees and collaborators2.
- Linul, E., Marşavina, L., Linul, P. A., Kovacik, J. (2019). Cryogenic and high temperature compressive properties of Metal Foam Matrix Composites. In Composite Structures, 2019, 490-498.
- Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, 2019, See where science is going and who’s leading the way
- Essential Science Indicators, Clarivate Analytics, 2019, InCites Essential Science Indicators
- InCites Help 2019