Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of Slovak Academy od Sciences, Institute of Materials and Institute of Production Technologies of Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of Slovak Technical University and also Society for New Materials and Technology invite you to attend the 2. strategic workshop which will be held on 17. – 18. October 2019 in Trnava.
The aim of the seminar is to offer new opportunities to strengthen cooperation between companies, institutes of the Slovak academy of sciences, slovak universities and motivated students by creating joint projects primarily aimed at supporting the implementation of innovative solutions to specific manufacturing problems of modern industrial practice.
Besides the themes in the field of material engineering topics, characterization techniques, sustainable and environmental solutions and special applications, the conceptual, methodological and content issues of university education in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies will be discussed.
An interesting professional program will include besides specialized lectures and poster sessions also Zeiss and Mitar equipment presentations, practical demonstrations of sample preparation and analysis. Participants have the opportunity to bring their own samples. Participants are invited to attend on the Tour of the historical center of Trnava and Social dinner.
For more information please follow : snmt: 2. strategic workshop
The aim of the seminar is to offer new opportunities to strengthen cooperation between companies, institutes of the Slovak academy of sciences, slovak universities and motivated students by creating joint projects primarily aimed at supporting the implementation of innovative solutions to specific manufacturing problems of modern industrial practice.
Besides the themes in the field of material engineering topics, characterization techniques, sustainable and environmental solutions and special applications, the conceptual, methodological and content issues of university education in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies will be discussed.
An interesting professional program will include besides specialized lectures and poster sessions also Zeiss and Mitar equipment presentations, practical demonstrations of sample preparation and analysis. Participants have the opportunity to bring their own samples. Participants are invited to attend on the Tour of the historical center of Trnava and Social dinner.
For more information please follow : snmt: 2. strategic workshop