Results, obtained within the project VEGA 2/0114/18: Preparation and study of composite materials prepared by casting aluminum and ceramic powder mixtures, led by Ing. M. Balog, PhD., earned attention in the VEGA commission for mechanical engineering and related information and communication technologies and material engineering and was declared as a significant result from the SAS in 2020.
Briefly, about the results from the report for the grant agency VEGA:
Within the project, the hitherto unproven technology of low-pressure spraying of aluminum (Al) powders and powder composite mixtures was implemented for the first time. An experimental spraying device was designed and manufactured, on which the technological parameters were optimized. Spraying of matrix Al powders of various sizes resulted in perfect castings, but a macrosegregation of the components was present in composite mixtures. Furthermore, stable nano-Al2O3 particles from passivation envelopes on Al powders effectively stabilized the fine-grained Al structure at high homologous temperatures and thus ensured high-temperature mechanical properties.
During the solution of the project, the unique reinforcing mechanism active in HITEMAL® materials (originally developed at IMMM SAS), i.e., ultrafine-grained in situ Al + Al2O3 composites prepared by powder metallurgy, in a wide range of working temperatures, was also clarified. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical Engineering, SAV (IEE SAS), we also focused on developing the lightest superconducting wire known to do far with an MgB2 core and a HIMETAL®-based shell.
Furthermore, to ensure the industrial-legal protection of the innovative technology of the new HITEMAL® + MgB2 ultralight superconductor, national, PCT, and international patent applications have been filed.
Briefly, about the results from the report for the grant agency VEGA:
Within the project, the hitherto unproven technology of low-pressure spraying of aluminum (Al) powders and powder composite mixtures was implemented for the first time. An experimental spraying device was designed and manufactured, on which the technological parameters were optimized. Spraying of matrix Al powders of various sizes resulted in perfect castings, but a macrosegregation of the components was present in composite mixtures. Furthermore, stable nano-Al2O3 particles from passivation envelopes on Al powders effectively stabilized the fine-grained Al structure at high homologous temperatures and thus ensured high-temperature mechanical properties.
During the solution of the project, the unique reinforcing mechanism active in HITEMAL® materials (originally developed at IMMM SAS), i.e., ultrafine-grained in situ Al + Al2O3 composites prepared by powder metallurgy, in a wide range of working temperatures, was also clarified. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Institute of Electrical Engineering, SAV (IEE SAS), we also focused on developing the lightest superconducting wire known to do far with an MgB2 core and a HIMETAL®-based shell.
Furthermore, to ensure the industrial-legal protection of the innovative technology of the new HITEMAL® + MgB2 ultralight superconductor, national, PCT, and international patent applications have been filed.