During the conference, the participants presented a total of 147 exciting studies in 12 sections. A novelty of the current year was the expansion of the sections to include Omiks and Biomaterials. The conference also included an evaluation of the presented works, and scientists of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences also appeared among the winners. The awards in their categories were won by:
Veronika Nagy Trembošová, Štefan Nagy, Martin Nosko, Erik Šimon a Matej Štěpánek for contribution: Surface changes of Mg powder induced by hydration in different environments
Jaroslava Frajová, Alena Opálková Šišková, Katarína Mosnáčková, Jakub Hrůza, Mária Bučková, Andrej Opálek, Angela Kleinová a Anita Eckstein Andicsová for contribution: Recycled bottle-grade PET used in personal protection.
For the summary of the conference, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyeFw7FkHbY
More information: PREVEDA, o.z., SAV