Quality improvement of education level of creative staff in industry, research of new methodologies, development of use of experimental diagnostics and simulating methods in material diagnostics and design for industrial practice requirements…

Project start:01.09.2003
Project end:31.12.2005
Programme:State R&D programme
Project number:2003 SP 51/028 09 00/028 09 11
Institute position in the project:Partner
Project leader at the institute:Ján Košút
The main result of partial task "Education of special oriented doctoral students for difficult design and development problems" solved at IMMM SAS is the proposal of new elements in the system of doctoral study from the point of view of better integration of graduates into practice in a knowledge based society. Proposed new elements in doctoral study are: 1. implementation of explicit orientation of doctoral study to academic and professional directions, 2. adoption of a lower scientific degree awarded after termination of academic part of doctoral study, 3. to enable independent accomplishment of academic part of doctoral study and 4. elements fortifying interactive bindings between doctoral study and research practice. Real and systematic solution of problems concerning the doctoral study in Slovakia is possible only in perspective of creation of knowledge based society. A web page „Doctoral study and orientation of Slovakia to knowledge society“ (www.phd.sav.sk) has been set up.