Applied research and development of innovative drilling technology for ultra-deep geothermal wells

Project start:16.07.2011
Project end:31.07.2013
Programme:European Fund for Regional Development - operational programme Research and Innovation/Development
Project number:26240220042
Institute position in the project:Partner
Project leader at the institute:Štefan Kavecký
The system of centric separated  electrodes  for process of excavating in a controlled mode by electric discharge rotating between the electrodes was developed. The electrodes are a part device for breaking of rock at method combining an electric arc, plasma, high energy, with the energy of pulsating water jet at high pressure (50-300 bar) non-contact method, which is being developed by the GA Drilling Bratislava. By optimizing of internal structure of the W-Cu composite was achieved 60 fold greater  resistance to plasma erosion of Cu-W electrodes in comparison with pure copper. Depending on the volume fraction and distribution of tungsten component in the Cu-W composite were produced two types of end parts of the cathode: 1) with increased cooling effect of cathode, and 2) with the maximum resistance to erosion by plasma discharge at cathode.