Investigation of Ti and Ti alloys compacts prepared by powder metallurgy methods.

Project start:01.01.2013
Project end:31.12.2015
Project number:2/0158/13
Institute position in the project:The only one project investigator
Project leader:Jaroslav Kováčik
The project confirmed the possibility of preparing PM Ti compacts using low-temperature compacting methods. O, N, H influence the final mechanical properties of compacts and their concentration is given by the used powder and after that by compacting methods: Tensile tests confirmed the deleterious effect of the oxygen concentration increase during compaction. Extruded material after CIPing exhibits lower ductility than the combination of CIP + hot pressing in a vacuum. This is because the resulting additional oxide prevents the formation of a metallurgical bond between the titanium grains thus giving poorer ductility.The strength properties are only slightly higher. Therefore the introduction of hot pressing in vacuum technology is necessary to lower oxygen content in Ti sample. Extrusion of coarse powder in a laboratory scale was possible at reasonable pressures. However, extrusions of fine Ti powder were performed at extremely high pressures, which will be difficult to perform on industrial scale.