Sweet playful science at Smolenice Castle

As part of the book month of March, the first year of the family event "Sweet Playful Science" was held at Smolenice Castle in cooperation with the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, the Institute of Chemistry SAS - Glycomics Center, the Institute of Polymers SAS and the Historical Institute SAS. During this day, entire families enthusiastic about science turned into wandering researchers and, moving from one experiment to another, absorbed the scientific atmosphere and learned the secrets of science together.
 The Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics demonstrated the "Miracle Candy Factory," in which the children pressed candies themselves. In a fun way, children's visitors could try out how pressing the metal powder we work with takes place and how we make metal products this way. Our science stand enjoyed enormous interest from children who did not mind waiting tens of minutes before they got to our candy factory and could create a "miracle" with their hands. Another scientific demonstration of IMMSAS was Chapi's hammer, which tested the materials' toughness and the energy needed to break them.
 In the lower courtyard of the Castle Gallery, the "Castle Book Fair" will take place during March, a book exchange where many readers can discover rare book treasures or bring their books that can still please others.
 The first, but not the last event in the picturesque surroundings of the Smolenice Castle was an incredible success, and it showed us how beautiful, creative science could be and can captivate crowds. We are already looking forward to the next year because we enjoy science!