JEOL 7600F Schotky field emission scanning electron microscope
Institute headquarters, Bratislava
Main features
high resolution observation combined with high analytical capabilities
ultra high resolution at low kV (gentle beam mode)
Gentle Beam mode – improves image resolution, reduces charging and beam damage, shows pure surface topographic information
ultra low acceleration voltage imaging for nonconductive specimen
new energy filter
high and low angle backscattered electron detectors
EDS analysis
WDS analysis
EBSD analysis
large specimen chamber for a 200mm diameter specimen
Basic technical parameters
resolution - 1.0nm(15kV), 1.5nm(1kV)
magnification – 25 to 1 000 000
accelerating voltage – 0.1kV to 30 kV
probe current – 1pA to 200 nA
specimen stage - eucentric, 5 axes motor control, x-y:110 mm x 80 mm, tilt:-5° to ~+70°, rotation: 360 °, working distance: 1.5 mm to 25 mm, specimen size: diameter 200 mm (max), height 25 mm (max)